Hi I’m Heidi Fiedler! I help writers find ease and joy in the creative process with classes, coaching, and more. I’m so glad you’re here!
Hi I’m Heidi Fiedler! I help writers find ease and joy in the creative process with classes, coaching, and more. I’m so glad you’re here!
In addition to my work with children’s books, I write about creativity and motherhood for publications like Business Insider; Hello, Gloria; and Mother Untitled. You can also find my essays on Substack.
My Experience as a “Medical Mom”
3 Ways to Get Started on a Creative Project During Your Career Break
Ordering from the Childcare Menu of My Dreams
Five Steps to Take Before You Begin Writing
6 Early Readers that Make Me Want to Be in First Grade Again
5 Ways to Quiet Your Inner Editor
9 Readers Share Their Beautiful Tattoos
“Heidi’s writing is vulnerable, open, sometimes funny, sometimes teary, always written with a clarity of purpose.”
“Heidi asks great questions and gathers all the beautiful answers and carves out space to talk about this living, parenting, making, creating thing we’re doing in such an expansive way.”
“Heidi is a force of calm and encouragement. She’s really honest about the challenges of caregiving and writing, and she provides lots of helpful tips for getting the work done anyway.”